星期三:10:00 – 21:00
電話 06-2159377 、0968-977797
營業時間 星期日:10:00 – 21:00
星期一:10:00 – 21:00
星期二:10:00 – 21:00
星期三:10:00 – 21:00
星期四:10:00 – 21:00
星期五:10:00 – 21:00
星期六:10:00 – 21:00
星期一:10:00 – 21:00
星期二:10:00 – 21:00
星期三:10:00 – 21:00
星期四:10:00 – 21:00
星期五:10:00 – 21:00
星期六:10:00 – 21:00
定價 TWD3200~4800
相關連結 FB粉絲團
A message for you Welcome to mydeer backpacker! We strive to provide ultimate comfort during your stay. However, there are a few things that we would like you to know.
1. 我鹿背包輕旅並非企業經營的空間,所以沒有提供24小時的櫃台服務,辦公室一般開放時間 10:30~21:30(若無人在辦公室,請電話連絡 06-215-9377 / 0966448521)。
We are a small friendly hostel (only 10 beds). Due to limited manpower, we are not able to offer 24-hour reception. Office hour is between 10:30 and 21:30. (Please call 06-215-9377 / 0966448521 if no one is at the reception.)
2. 入住時間Check-in為每日下午15:00。退房時間Check-out為每日上午11:00。 最晚入住時間為21:30(如需更晚入住,請事先與我鹿管家聯絡(透過粉絲頁/ Line/ 來電通知)。 You can check in from 15:00 until 21:30 on the day of arrival and must check-out at 11:00 on the day of departure. (If you plan to come in late, please let us know your time of arrival by facebook messenger/Line/phone.)
3. 我鹿背包輕旅為上下舖合宿房間,並非商務旅館,沒有所謂單人房或雙人房型,考慮入住前,請確認自己的需求,別造成彼此的誤會。 We offer beds in dormitory rooms sharing with other backpackers and we do not have any private rooms. Don’t forget that sharing a dorm on the road is what makes backpacking fun! Of course, you can also book the entire room/place, ideal for families and big groups.
4. 入住時,每位客人都會拿到一組個人床包組(枕頭套/被單/床包),由客人自行套裝。請在退房時,請卸掉床包組,直接丟入洗衣籃。 Upon check-in, everyone will receive a set of pillow case, fitted sheet and duvet cover. You might help yourself to make the bed. Moreover, please remove and throw them into the laundry basket when you check-out.
5. 我鹿輕旅提供沐浴乳/洗髮精/吹風機/洗衣機/烘衣機。不提供毛巾/浴巾/牙刷/牙膏/洗面乳。請房客自行準備所需的用品,若須購買可至辦公室或鄰近超市採購。 We provide shower gel, shampoo, hair dryer, washing machine and dryer. However, please bring your own towel, toothbrush, toothpaste and face wash. They can also be purchased at our office or the supermarkets nearby.
6. 為了住房環境的品質,房間內無擺放垃圾桶,所有垃圾請分類放置在房門外的分類大垃圾桶。(垃圾桶很近啦!沒有人會想跟垃圾過夜~) To provide a better living environment, no rubbish bins are placed in the rooms. Recycling is encouraged. Therefore, please put the waste into the correct recycling bins, which are located next to the room door.
7. 我鹿背包輕旅位處在老台南的舊社區,四周鄰居都是親切的阿公阿嬤,很早就休息,所以請客人們在晚上10點後,能夠輕聲活動,以體貼其他已經休息鄰居們以及房客。 Situated in an old community in Tainan, our neighbors are mostly elderly who tend to sleep early in the evening. So, for the sake of our neighbors and the other guests staying with us, it is highly appreciated to lower volume after 22:00.
8. 洗衣機以及烘衣機最晚使用時間為十點。. For the same reason above, please don't use the washing machine and the dryer after 22:00.
9. 全旅店都有保全監視每個角落,給各位最安全的保障。 For security reason, there are CCTVs in every public corner.
我鹿背包輕旅 歡迎你!!
Once again, welcome to mydeer backpacker and we hope you will have an enjoyable stay!
A message for you Welcome to mydeer backpacker! We strive to provide ultimate comfort during your stay. However, there are a few things that we would like you to know.
1. 我鹿背包輕旅並非企業經營的空間,所以沒有提供24小時的櫃台服務,辦公室一般開放時間 10:30~21:30(若無人在辦公室,請電話連絡 06-215-9377 / 0966448521)。
We are a small friendly hostel (only 10 beds). Due to limited manpower, we are not able to offer 24-hour reception. Office hour is between 10:30 and 21:30. (Please call 06-215-9377 / 0966448521 if no one is at the reception.)
2. 入住時間Check-in為每日下午15:00。退房時間Check-out為每日上午11:00。 最晚入住時間為21:30(如需更晚入住,請事先與我鹿管家聯絡(透過粉絲頁/ Line/ 來電通知)。 You can check in from 15:00 until 21:30 on the day of arrival and must check-out at 11:00 on the day of departure. (If you plan to come in late, please let us know your time of arrival by facebook messenger/Line/phone.)
3. 我鹿背包輕旅為上下舖合宿房間,並非商務旅館,沒有所謂單人房或雙人房型,考慮入住前,請確認自己的需求,別造成彼此的誤會。 We offer beds in dormitory rooms sharing with other backpackers and we do not have any private rooms. Don’t forget that sharing a dorm on the road is what makes backpacking fun! Of course, you can also book the entire room/place, ideal for families and big groups.
4. 入住時,每位客人都會拿到一組個人床包組(枕頭套/被單/床包),由客人自行套裝。請在退房時,請卸掉床包組,直接丟入洗衣籃。 Upon check-in, everyone will receive a set of pillow case, fitted sheet and duvet cover. You might help yourself to make the bed. Moreover, please remove and throw them into the laundry basket when you check-out.
5. 我鹿輕旅提供沐浴乳/洗髮精/吹風機/洗衣機/烘衣機。不提供毛巾/浴巾/牙刷/牙膏/洗面乳。請房客自行準備所需的用品,若須購買可至辦公室或鄰近超市採購。 We provide shower gel, shampoo, hair dryer, washing machine and dryer. However, please bring your own towel, toothbrush, toothpaste and face wash. They can also be purchased at our office or the supermarkets nearby.
6. 為了住房環境的品質,房間內無擺放垃圾桶,所有垃圾請分類放置在房門外的分類大垃圾桶。(垃圾桶很近啦!沒有人會想跟垃圾過夜~) To provide a better living environment, no rubbish bins are placed in the rooms. Recycling is encouraged. Therefore, please put the waste into the correct recycling bins, which are located next to the room door.
7. 我鹿背包輕旅位處在老台南的舊社區,四周鄰居都是親切的阿公阿嬤,很早就休息,所以請客人們在晚上10點後,能夠輕聲活動,以體貼其他已經休息鄰居們以及房客。 Situated in an old community in Tainan, our neighbors are mostly elderly who tend to sleep early in the evening. So, for the sake of our neighbors and the other guests staying with us, it is highly appreciated to lower volume after 22:00.
8. 洗衣機以及烘衣機最晚使用時間為十點。. For the same reason above, please don't use the washing machine and the dryer after 22:00.
9. 全旅店都有保全監視每個角落,給各位最安全的保障。 For security reason, there are CCTVs in every public corner.
我鹿背包輕旅 歡迎你!!
Once again, welcome to mydeer backpacker and we hope you will have an enjoyable stay!