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Shengli National School Hall (formerly Shengli Elementary School Hall)(勝利國小禮堂(原勝利國民學校禮堂))




The hall of Shengli National School is located in the present-day Shengli Elementary School. It was originally the Tainan City Zhuwei National School founded in 1939, a primary school for Taiwanese students. It was also the only elementary school in East District are WWII. To celebrate the victory of the resistance war, the school changed its name to Shengli (victory). The hall was built by the sapper of the Armed Forces in 1953. It is a dual inclined roof wooden structure with a large span.


TEL +886-6-2372982

Address No. 10, Shengli Rd., East Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Historic Sites、Culture

Open Hours Please contact the school.


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