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Shantou Mountain Trail(崁頭山步道)

Saturday:Open 24 hours a day





At 844 meters above sea level, Shantou Mountain(崁頭山) is Tainan's second highest peak, and its hiking trail is a favorite among mountain climbers. There are total of three entrances to the route, and whichever route you start from you can complete the circular hike. The trail markings are very clear, and along the way you can see the renowned stone toad and the pagoda furnace. The stone toad is so named because the mountain wall resembles a toad from the outside, and the pagoda furnace is a honeycomb shaped rock shaped like a pagoda. These are all great scenic spots you must not miss, but the most notable is the lovers' stone. The view from the summit is extensive, overlooking the Chianan Plain. Here you can enjoy the fresh mountain air, and in winter a low-level sea of clouds often appears. This is one of Tainan's top hiking trails.


TEL +886-5-2787006

Address Dongshan Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Outdoor Sports

Open Hours Sunday:Open 24 hours a day
Monday:Open 24 hours a day
Tuesday:Open 24 hours a day
Wednesday:Open 24 hours a day
Thursday:Open 24 hours a day
Friday:Open 24 hours a day
Saturday:Open 24 hours a day

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