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Lu Tao Yan Jiang Family Old House(鹿陶洋江家古厝)

Saturday:Open 24 hours a day





If you are driving down Provincial Highway 3, be sure not overlook this place, as it was the classic setting of the famous movie Zone Pro Site: The Moveable Feast. (電影總舖師) The Jiang Family Old House has been preserved very much intact. The ancestral hall stands at the center of a traditional courtyard complex. The left and right wings of the building house the family's descendants. The center of the ancestral hall has four entrances and three rooms. The descendants occupy wings with six on the left and seven on the right symbolizing 13 dragons, and nearby is the pig house and other buildings. The descendants of the Jiang family have lived here for over 300 years, and now there are 100 residents from over 20 families, comprised mostly of the young and elderly. Looking at the ancestral hall, you can see the round black section of floor in the middle, with 17 pieces of stone floor connecting from the stairs to the other hall. When a wedding was held, the bride would ride in a sedan chair to this round section of floor and get out in the middle, then walk the remaining 7 stone sections to the ancestral hall to pay respects to the ancestors. The tradition continues to this day, only the sedan chair has been replaced by a sedan car. If you are visiting Nanxi, this old dwelling certainly deserves a visit, but the house is still inhabited, so tourists are requested not to make excessive noise. Remember to greet the elderly residents, and ask them before taking pictures.


TEL +886-6-5751081

Address Nanxi Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C

Category Historic Sites、Local Gallery

Open Hours Sunday:Open 24 hours a day
Monday:Open 24 hours a day
Tuesday:Open 24 hours a day
Wednesday:Open 24 hours a day
Thursday:Open 24 hours a day
Friday:Open 24 hours a day
Saturday:Open 24 hours a day


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