Mazulou Tianhou Temple(媽祖樓天后宮)
Tuesday:06:30 – 18:30
Built in 1752, the site was originally a hut for sailors to rest near a channel. It is said that when settlers came from China, they carried incense from Mazu Temple in Meizhou and placed it in the hut’s attic, but left it behind when they departed. Later, the dim light from the incense could often be seen by passing ships in the Five Channels, guiding them to keep them safe, and this was regarded as a show of power by Mazu. For this reason, a temple was built where the hut stood, and the incense placed in the attic, the temple named Mazulou(媽祖樓). Since scenes from the film Zone Pro Site: The Moveable Feast(總舖師) were filmed locally a few yers ago, Mazulou Tianhou Temple (媽祖樓天后宮) has attracted a lot of attention and the once-quiet small temple now bustles, with quite a few movie fans still making a visit.
TEL +886-6-2206946
Address West Central Dist., Tainan City Taiwán, R.O.C
Category Culture
Open Hours Sunday:06:30 – 18:30
Monday:06:30 – 18:30
Tuesday:06:30 – 18:30
Wednesday:06:30 – 18:30
Thursday:06:30 – 18:30
Friday:06:30 – 18:30
Saturday:06:30 – 18:30
Offical Site Offical Site